Friday, November 18, 2011

Anybody know any good muay thai drills that i can do on my own?

im looking for some muay thai drills that i can do on my own. i have my own heavy bag, but for the most part im just looking for some new drills that i can utilize on my own to improve my skill, whether it be striking power, speed, or to help make combos better..... thanks ahead of time!|||1, 2, 10.

3, 2, 3.

clinch and knee

pretty much just do your shadow boxing drills on the bag.

I highly recommend bag sprints for cardio|||burpies and pull ups jack knife crunches all day. Static holds for core strength , it does wonders for being able to absorb body punches. Other answers before me where great as well. Also don%26#039;t froget to jump rope 15 minutes before and stretch after.|||skip knees like 100 of them with ankle weights

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