Friday, November 18, 2011

Is there a lot of Muay Thai gyms in Brazil?

I am moving to northern Brazil, and I train Muay Thai. Is it very popular in Brazil? I know that a lot of fighters from Brazil have extensive training in mt but are there a lot of options in terms of number of gyms?

I%26#039;m staying in either Recife or Belem.|||Yes, You%26#039;ll certainly find it in Natal and Recife... |||YOU ARE A LUCK GUY.... RECIFE LOOKS LIKE CARIBEAN

ABOUT MUAY THAI, YES, IS VERY POPULAR HERE IN BRAZIL.|||Most capitals have some gyms. You%26#039;ll certainly find it in Bel茅m and Recife. |||in my city is not popular a lot. I know one gym of muay thai near of my home.

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