Monday, May 17, 2010

Differences between Dutch and Muay Thai kickboxing?

Differences between the two, pros and cons of each style when it comes to MMA?|||None...they%26#039;re all Muay Thai! Only slight variations will exist because of the type of fighters involved. A majority of fighters in Thailand are rarely over 150lbs for the most part while Dutch fighters dominate the heavyweight divisions globally. Thai fighters utilize much much more of the clinching ranges than Dutch fighters. Thai fighters are extremely technical in their fighting method, calling every part of their body into play. Dutch fighters are most noted for their hard hitting style, heavy on the hands, aggressive with Thai kicks thrown frequently after a punch combination. Most often low kicks to the legs following a punching combination. Ramon Dekkers, for instance, was the Dutch champion who is most credited for changing the face of Muay Thai with his punching prowess. |||The dutch flavor of thai boxing usually allows for more %26quot;boxing%26quot; which is reflected in the fighting styles of the fighters produced in each.

What I mean by boxing as it is in quotes is evasiveness where defense can score along with offense as well as hand techniques playing a larger part in determining who won a round. The scoring in true muay thai is extremely traditional compared to muay thai in the western parts of the world and it reflects in the emphases coaches will place on their fighters.

Otherwise they are identical.|||Muay Thai uses elbows and clinch but Savate is mostly all kicks.

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