Friday, May 21, 2010

Do mouthguards (muay thai) always protect teeth?

I have veneers for front teeth now and I dont want to get them knocked off. Ive never worn a mouth piece but Ive fought many people before I had the veneers, now I am thinking about starting muay thai but Im wondering how well mouth guards (the type all boxers wear) protect your teeth? I think veneers would be easier to knock off then chip normal teeth|||mouth gaurds are designed more to prevent brain damage and concussion rather than getting ur teeth knocked out but htey do do that too. A double ended mouth peices by wipps will do that its called a brainpad but its a double sided mouth peiice isntead of single sided so u bite down on it with both upper and lower teeth/jaw. When u get hit instead of ur jaw moving around the blow is aborbed and ur jaw becomes a 1 piece part cuz its being bit down on instead of with a single sided mouth beice ur jaw can still move around when u get hit.|||As long as you have a mouthguard on, I think the veneers will be able to stay on. Also, barring a direct hit or kick to the mouth, your teeth should be relatively safe. Still, you may want to inquire about the school or instructor%26#039;s policy on sparring and hits/kicks to the face or head.

(But honestly, if you%26#039;re struck in the face or head hard enough to knock out teeth, your veneers may be the last thing you want to worry about.)|||If you%26#039;re looking for a guarantee, I%26#039;d suggest you buy a toaster and stay out of the ring! I have veneers after smashing into the bottom of a swimming pool, and the veneers have had to be replaced many times, the last time being after eating fried chicken. It seems the crunchy stuff wasn%26#039;t fried chicken after all. Ooops!|||a little .....but there still a possiblity of being solidly hit and you teeth will be somewhere else aside from where they are supposedly be.......|||yes ,probably|||Havent lost any teeth yet and I always wear my mouthpiece.

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