Monday, May 17, 2010

Which Is more Dangerous, Muay Thai or Karate/Taekwondo?

Im a Thai boy and I love Muay Thai the way they fight it%26#039;s so lethal and dangerous, But my gay asian friends say that karate is much more dangerous and taekwondo is better. I have tried both styles of martial arts and I beleive Muay Thai is the best. What is your opinion?|||I think if you are talking about two participants who are both %26quot;masters%26quot; of each style, I think you could split it 50/50.

I think the training in Muay Thai is more dangerous, but not necessarily better.

I don%26#039;t think Muay Thai is the best stand up art.

James|||if were talking about competetion fighting, well muay thai is obviously more dangrous(no protection equipment and alot of strike that are banned in taekwondo and karate for competetion). I don%26#039;t know about karate but in taekwondo you actually learn elbow and knee strikes but you never use them in competetion.|||Muay Thai by far is more effective and dangerous, your using elbows, knees, fist, and shins. karate and taekwondo while still being good forms of martial arts are not as tough as muay thai. which is why muay thai is one of the main styles used in mma. |||For some reason people think Muay Thai is so good and dangerous. I trained in Muay Thai Boran for 2 years and it was good, but I wouldn%26#039;t say it%26#039;s the best. Depending on the style of Karate, I would say that Karate can be the most dangerous.|||Well Traditional Okinawan Karate did everything but Grappling,so if its True traditional Karate it is very dangerous,Muay Thai is pure pwnage,and TKD I lawlz at. Lawl with me YA|||Muay Thai.

you can have broken bones and it teaches you alot.|||I%26#039;m just gonna go ahead and say that Muay Thai is the best standup Martial art..

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