Friday, May 21, 2010

How hard is muay thai?

About a month ago I started taking up krav maga, but now that school is back in session there%26#039;s schedule conflicts and I couldn%26#039;t do krav anymore. I saw a muay thai class being offered that worked with my time and I%26#039;m interested in it. However, the class sounds really tough and scary for a newbie weakling like me.

For those of you who have experience in muay thai, how is it like?|||Muay Thai is pretty tough, and when you compare it to Krav Maga the training atmosphere and mentalities are very different.

I do Krav Maga, and one my friends that trains with me also did Muay Thai for a year before we started Krav. With Krav Maga, a strong emphasis is placed on self defense for the average person, and you don%26#039;t do a whole lot of sparring, its mostly learning self-defense techniques (at least for the lower levels). Whereas in Muay Thai, you pretty much spar from day one. My friend had lots of bruises, sore legs and swollen knees during his first few months, but obviously he got less injuries as time went on and became a better fighter.

But I would definitely suggest taking up Muay Thai if you can handle getting knocked around a bit and taking a hit. My friend and I both use Muay Thai techniques when we spar in our Krav classes and they are very effective. Also, Krav Maga gets its elbow and knee strikes from Muay Thai, so it would definitely compliment your training should you ever get the opportunity to continue your Krav Maga training.

But the best way for you to learn about it would be to just walk into a gym and check it out for yourself.|||well at first you will go in a learn how to wrap your hands put on gloves and hit the heavy back while a coach is telling you how to hit properly. you will be one sore son of a gun for a while(especially your shins). You will do cardio and strengthening drill and then when you learn some technique you will spar, or as I like to call it a human punching bag. You will be sore again, especially your legs(leg kicks hurt). But once you start getting good you will stop being sore all of the time and things start to click and it is an absolute blast. Muay Thai is one tough sport, that is why it makes you tough.

good luck|||it depends on how good you are if you really suck mauy thai would be hard if you are awesome then mauy thai should be easy.

i like the techniques in mauy thai but i dislike mauy thai in general because i really dont like the stance.|||It is difficult but well worthwhile. : )

Start with a beginning class where there isn%26#039;t any sparring. You%26#039;ll mainly be doing drills and padwork, and conditioning. Your shins won%26#039;t hurt until you start sparring.|||training for anything is always intense.

numbing your shins will probably be the most difficult aspect of your training. it will hurt really bad.

good luck

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