Friday, May 21, 2010

When i give a hard muay thai kick, i feel pain in the lower abdomen,how do i strenghthen my lower abdomen?

when i make a sudden move i feel pain in my lower abdomen too, what is the exercise to make lower abdomen stronger?|||sounds like you pulled something and should have that checked out by a doctor. Sit ups will strengthen your lower abdomen. There are many sit up related exercises that will target the lower ab area.|||Lots and lots of leg lifts!|||I think, repeat think, that you may have pulled an ab muscle. If possible, you want to avoid quick movement with those muscles for a while, to avoid straining it. If you are in your early twenties or younger, you%26#039;ll probably heal quick. Maybe, if it doesn%26#039;t hurt, do some sit ups or other ab work. For my lower abs, I like laying on my back and lifting my straight legs off the floor a few feet, up and down for many reps. But don%26#039;t fight through the pain, or it won%26#039;t heal. If you feel pain, it%26#039;s your body%26#039;s way of saying stop, you%26#039;re causing damage. If your lower abs were weak, you would feel fatigue, or an ache, after several kicks. A pain from a sudden movement or one or two kicks sounds like a strain that needs to heal.|||I/ve never heard of that before. I know a very good one.

Lye falt on your back. Then lift your head off the ground simotameuily rise your feet 6 inches off the ground. Hold for as long as possible or time limit. Longer lengts strengthen more.

Or try reverse sit ups. First may strengthen as a whole.|||

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