Friday, May 21, 2010

When is it too late to start training in muay thai?

i%26#039;ll probably be around 22 when i get this too old to get really good and maybe even fight as a pro one day?|||man i thought you were gonna say you were 30 or something 22 is a great age to start i would say 35 is too old to consider becoming a pro. muay thai fighters like raymond dekkers fought well into his late 30s check him out on youtube das a bad dude|||22 isnt to old to get started at all but, i disagree with all of these people when they say your never to old. To be a pro thai fighter you have to put your body through hell and there comes a time when your body just cant take it anymore dont get me wrong you can be a student at any age but to go pro there is for sure such thing as too old but i think that 22 is a great age still young but old enough to be smart and determined student and fighter|||To be a pro , you must have this in you like Bruce Lee ( exemple , thats to high to hope lol ) And you must have a lot of Motivation , Physical capabalities , MotorRelfex , and so on. And the best is too start very young , before 10 , but again bruce started at 14 ( but hes a rare case ). You can become good from 22 or even 30 , a Master yes if you have a lot of Skill . A real Master , like unique , no|||Nope. At that age you%26#039;ll be ok. When you start getting into the mid 30s and later, you can still train, but you may or may not be able to go pro. It%26#039;s a very personal thing though.|||no its defiantly not I%26#039;m 16 and I%26#039;m currently training with a 21 yr old who has taught me everything i know and has coached me through fights and he recently went to Thailand to train to defiantly not to old.|||it%26#039;s never too late for a dedicated student. i have had 60 yr old students who have worked hard and achieved high belt rankings (Tae Kwon Do)|||any age is a good age to learn self defence just do it and it will come in handy one day.|||your to old when your dead.|||yup


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