Friday, May 21, 2010

Physically, what's most important in Muay Thai?

If you can, prioritize what is most important in Muay Thai.

I%26#039;ll be taking it soon and want to know what I should be focusing on. I%26#039;m already physically fit but I want to excel, so any tips would be greatly appreciated|||Cover your face as you will be punched and kicked all over the face. You don%26#039;t want to get any uglier so protect your face.|||Probably conditioning of your bones. Your shins and elbows.|||Relax. You must learn how to relax, no one can teach you this you must learn to by finding your center and move from their. Your breathing will help you relax, keep it even , deep, and slow.

When you are relaxed you increase your muscle, fatigue resistance which will allow you to hit harder and endure during your fight.

Teach your self to avoid injury. Prevent Wrist and hand injuries by keeping the fist tight on contact.

Anything else you can learn from your instructor.|||1) not getting hit

that%26#039;s it|||HIGH PAIN THRESHOLD!

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