Saturday, May 15, 2010

How does Taekwon do fair against Muay Thai?

I%26#039;ve seen too many matches that suggest Taekwon do has very little history in actual combat use.

I actually think TKD can be more practicalized into combat vs mode.

Anyway, TKD is a very healthy choice for flexibility and cardio.|||You cannot believe anything on youtube. People on youtube have an agenda. It%26#039;s propaganda, it%26#039;s hype. It%26#039;s designed to lead you to a conclusion on an entire subject based on the actions of two people.

Muay Thai and Taekwondo are both sports in modern times, but were originally combat arts.

As far as sport, the rules are different. Under Muay Thai rules, the MT fighter would have a clear advantage. Under TKD rules, the TKD fighter would have a clear advantage. But even with the advantage, it doesn%26#039;t guarantee any outcome.

In a real fight, the rules don%26#039;t really matter. It would come down to the individual fighter, not the style they trained.

James|||TKD is mainly kicks, there fore they have amazing kicks, if one of them land its all over

Muay Thai, has a more rounded fight, grappling, throwing (some) kicks punches elbows knee%26#039;s etc

both are very popular

and you would have to put all the practitioners in the world into a fight, to say which is better

because in the end

it isnt the name of the art that wins the fight

its the fighters dedication and the instructor%26#039;s experience and skill that wins in the end|||Here are some popular clips of TKD vs. Muay Thai

For one thing you may notice the Muay Thai fighter is always facing the TKD fighter - never sacrificing his position by doing jumping or turning kicks. Essentially, in the second clip he pushed forward, only using one kick to repeatedly damage the TKD fighter - the Thai round kick. The TKD kicks seem to only push him back, not damage him. Also keep in mind, no Thai clinching or throwing is used either so there%26#039;s no use of elbows, knees or head entrapments. In terms of flexibility, TKD takes the cake for it%26#039;s emphasis on superb control and spectacular aerial techniques. If you want to talk about cardio, Muay Thai edges it out. Muay Thai drills and workouts are not for the faint of heart.

I%26#039;ve also sparred against a good TKD person and this coincides with what I%26#039;ve experienced.|||hi. ive personally found TKD very usefull in real combat, as for defending myself in a street fight. im from the UK and we study under an organisation called the T.A.G.B which incorperates both WTF and ITF styles of TKD.

i find that WTF is much more sport based and not very combat effective but ITF is very similar to kick boxing but with added take downs and joint locks aswell as open handed knife strikes which target the eyes and throat. ITF is the more traditional combat style of tkd which we use for self defence. its uses lots of punches and more low kicks to the knee joints than in WTF.we are trained to get up close to your opponent to narrow his striking distance then use shots with the elbows, kness, or throws finished with some joint locks to subdue the attacker.also escaping from the clinch and from other grabbing positions is taught in tkd. tkd is still taught to the korean marines today so it must have combat effectivness or it wouldnt be taught to a whole army. also elite korean body guards use tkd in thier training.

as i understand muay thai doesnt have any, throws or joint locking techniques. there is alot more in tkd than people think, the blackbelts even learn to choke out the opponent and do i bit of ground fighting. all of these things are in tkd its just that some of the techniques have been neglected over time.

so based on what i have learned tkd is combat effective when applied properly and taught properly. you find that when you do it you start to find which techniques you find more comfortable with and then you develope your own adaptation of the art to suit your personal abilities.|||yes, TKD is a form of exercise and its good for health. it can also be used in combat whereas muay thai is mainly for combat and tourneys|||You seem to be asking an opinion question, yet you let your own bias show clearly.

I%26#039;ll say I think TKD is superior since thats what you want to hear.|||Hi there

Its the person and their exposure not the art!

Best wishes


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