Monday, November 16, 2009

How long does it take to learn muay thai & brazilian juijitsu?

Not used to fight someone in a ring. But to get it down enough to use in real life situations. By the way, Im very athletic and catch on to things quick. Thanks.|||If you catch on quickly and are athletic, I would say about 3 months to feel fairly confident. You definitely don%26#039;t ever stop learning, though, and it%26#039;s important to know your limitations. After three months you may FEEL confident, but you have SO much more to learn. It seems the more you train the more you realize you need to train more.|||however long it takes u to get good....|||you never stop learning|||In my situation I learned the basics in less than a week...(%26quot;im talking bout muay thai%26quot;)

then after that I was inside the ring for the real thing...|||i agree you never stop learning, i learn something new everyday in BJJ. not one situation is the same.|||a a for best answer ever.

%26quot;You never stop learning%26quot; So true brother, so true|||quartzlime is a retard............less than a week? ok..........

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