Saturday, November 14, 2009

Muay Thai?

i would like to start doing kickboxing and i would like to know what i need to get into a class and skills i might need also wat kind of gyms would offer this??|||What he said. The Teep, cutting down the tree, traditional Ram Muay and Wai Kru, all are important aspects of good Muay Thai, just as bowing and learning the history of chinese or japanese arts are important in those arts. Most of all, look for a place that is not asking you to join a Tae Kwon Do or Karate course first, only allowing you to train Muay Thai after you reach a certain level within those other artforms. I%26#039;ve seen too many bad %26quot;Muay Thai%26quot; trainers who were actually promoting their TKD or Karate courses with useless Thai training.

To get into a Thai class you will probably need a mouthpiece and cup, like any other art. Everything else is either a) supplied by the school, b) bought at the school or c) on a list of items you should purchase as you need them (gloves, mongkon, pra jiad, etc. are often of this type or sort, since you receive these when you%26#039;re ready, not when you begin). As for what kind of gyms to look for, ones that advertise training in Muay Thai. If it just says kickboxing, it%26#039;s a fair bet they train mostly American style or Kontact Karate, basically. If it says Thai boxing/kickboxing, it could go either way. But a gym that states Muay Thai should be a safe bet.|||i dunno but i wanna learn muay thai also but there arent many gyms near where i live in fact i dont know of any :(|||Find a true Muay Thai gym. Kickboxing is a watered down version. If the don%26#039;t teach the Teap, and teach in a lot of one on one training, they are not a true Muay Thai gym.

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