Saturday, November 14, 2009

What does muay thai train physically?

Does muay thai train agility? or what? like what sets of muscles?|||If you are out of shape... during the first few months of classes, expect your shoulders, arms, hips, gluts, arms and shins (they will get covered in bruises), and i suspect that it will continue to be sore in all those areas, as long as you push your self to become better in all aspects of MT... but the momemt your training level reaches your bodies ability, you will only maintain the level you choose to stop improving (my experience in MT is only a couple months, but knowing what I know from another MA you can always push yourself to become better)... the way I am learning MT is only in one stance rather than switching lead legs and feet ... this way I believe will make one side of your body stronger than the other, but my instructor gave me this analogy and it seems pretty sound... %26quot;If you take Muay Thai, you are learning to fight the best you can, as fast as you can%26quot;.... he went on to say... %26quot;If I were a pitching coach, and trying to teach a guy to throw a 90 mph fastball, I wouldn%26#039;t make him learn to do it with both hands%26quot;... that makes sence to me... but the other style I learned, my instructor would force us to train 2 times more with our weak hand (and leg) to be better %26quot;balanced%26quot;.... but MT is a %26quot;straight forward style%26quot;... it is hard to catch them off gaurd, because you learn that %26quot;getting hit is ok%26quot; ... so expect to also expect some sore ribs, and if you go to sparr without a mouh piece (like I did the first time .. and last time) expect to bite your tongue and the inside of you cheek ... just get in there man.. the hardest part is showing up|||Muay Thai trains speed and agility, and sometimes power depending on the gym but mainly speed and agility. What Muay Thai fighters trains most is their shin bone. They kick banana trees thousands of times a day in order to deaden nerves and harden their bones.|||yes it will train agility, strength, speed, power, endurance, balance you name it muay thai will most likely train it. all aspects need to be trained to become a great fighter

as more muscles you%26#039;ll use most muscles now most people arent doing to get big like body builders you want to increase strength without sacrificing speed. you want decent strength with great endurance so your muscles are able to work for long periods of time. the core muscles are very important in thai boxing:thighs, abs, obliques. the arm and the back is worked out too though. also some people workout the muscles in their necks because some believe a strong neck will restrict the amount your head moves upon impact with a blow therefore reducing the chances of knockout

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