Saturday, November 14, 2009

How to find a muay thai gym in my area

I want to pick up muay thai, but i need to find a gym. Does anyone have a site where i can search maybe by zip code or something similar, except the phone book

also what do you actually do at a muay thai gym is most the of the time spent with the instructor demonstrating or when it comes to training is it more focused around individual work.

|||If you lived in the UK, you could try this club locator:

Unfortunately US gyms have not been added yet...|||check with the forums in or has a school finder that allows you to find gyms in your area

at my gym we work on clinching, elbows, stretching, combinations, kicks and other things but my gym isnt just muay thai its mma|||they concentrate mostly on lower body strenght(legs, stomach). muay thai is all about lower body, where reguler boxing in on the upper body if ur tuff enuff...its ur call!

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