Thursday, November 12, 2009

Is there a grading system in Muay Thai?

Also, I%26#039;m considering going to the Tiger Muay Thai training camp in Phuket for a month next summer. Can anybody tell me there experience with that camp?|||Nope just like wrestling your either a wrestler or a good wrestler.|||Actually no there isn%26#039;t however they do use titles to define rolls of the instructors within their schools. Some schools have instituted using the head dress in different colors to differentiate the level of the fighters but that is not traditional in real Muay Thai training.|||Firstly there is no grading system in muay tai, as you just get better and better, and ive been to that camp, its really hard work but it pays of its really practical and fun aswell.|||Not in Phuket no, but there are lots of excellent gyms all over Thailand, I trained for a couple of weeks just round the corner from Khao San road in Bangkok. And no, there isn%26#039;t a traditional grading system.

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