Thursday, November 12, 2009

Difference between a Muay Thai round house and a TKD round house?

This question has been bugging me for a while, I%26#039;ve been told that Muay Thai usually uses the shin while TKD uses the foot, but i%26#039;m not exactly sure.|||The three key differences are the point of impact, chambering, and source of power.

As has been mentioned, the point of impact for MT is the shin, while the point of impact for TKD is the instep.

Chambering the leg exists in TKD, but MT practitioners kick with a relatively straight leg.

The power behind the kick in MT comes from the hips while the power behind the TKD kicks comes from unchambering the leg.

Of course, I am going with what is standard. It isn%26#039;t to say that all TKD practitioners neglect to turn their hip into the kicks. However, due to their modern format for competition, turning the hips into kicks could be seen as dangerous overcommitment. I, personally, came from a TKD school that emphasized putting your hip into your punches and kicks.|||You got it right. With TKD the foot is the striking surface. M.T. wants you to use the shin. If you throw the TKD kick right, and your foot is conditioned to withstand it, you won%26#039;t get hurt. The same with M.T. The shin gets conditioned to the point where you don%26#039;t feel the pain. Both can work well in self defense. For those who think the TKD variant is no good, remember, when you get attacked in the street, you are usually wearing shoes or boots. When you get kicked in the face or ribs by someone wearing shoes, it hurts that much more.|||Simply put,

Muy Thai- Is like swinging a bat or club at your opponent. Swinging wide like a bat, hitting stiff like a bat, and following through like a bat. The shin is has more surface area to cause damage.

TKD- the roundhouse is more like cracking a whip. Whip it out, snap, kick, and bring it back for another. Not as much devastation but it is fast and stings. The foot/end of whip is easier to apply with out getting caught up and keeping a greater distance.|||skill of the practitioner is the big issue, not the surface you kick with, in a fight TKD or MT the kick is thrown but the opponent moves in or out and contact is made with the shin or foot or not. I used my shin and my foot with out any harm to me as long as my foot or shin is conditioned to kicking and striking..bare knuckle breaks of fists if the nose is missed and fore head hit, that is the nature of scuffles.....Sh----T happens|||well with TKQ they love to concentrate with speed and finesse..accuracy. while muay thai is a much more involved conatact sport...the shin can keep you from injuring your feet in a real fight..uhm a good example is i see alot in inexpereinced guys come in to the gym i go to and try to act bad *** and kick kicking bag with the instep of their foot..and hurt it real shin is much more solid...less pain you get the KO quicker with it.|||There isn%26#039;t really much difference in the kicks, but in muay thai, u tend to make more contact on the shin side, were as in tkd, u hit with the top of ur foot.|||you heard right Muay Thai uses the shin and TKD uses the foot.Muay Thai is more lethal.|||ive also heard tkd gyms tell you to stop and retract it while muai thai coaches teach you to follow through.|||the4 other huge difference is Thai kicks are not sneaky. they hit harder but the tkd one will slip in faster

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