Thursday, November 12, 2009

Is there any reason to learn Karate instead of Muay Thai?

Besides being able to say you are a %26quot;black belt?%26quot; I know Karate teaches discipline, but I%26#039;m asking about learning Karate instead of Muay Thai in order to become a better fighter, not to become a more disciplined person. |||there is no reason whatsoever..... karate will not make you a better fighter..... Muay-Thai is a aggressive fight sport.... a average muay thai circuit fighter will put the pain down on any karate black belt and leave him with more than a couple gash%26#039;s on his face.... if you want to become a better fighter learn Boxing, Kickboxing-MuayThai, wrestling, sambo, jiu-jitsu etc................... not freakin karate or taekwando or any of that other trash|||good question well i would say either is just as good no matter what art you do if you have a good instructor and train reguarly you should get good results,Muay thai is a good art so is karate i have seen good fighters from both arts, find out what works best for yourself go to classes of both styles and see which you like the best and then stick with your choice, get a good grounding in one style then you can look at other styles after, if you chose to,or just stick and became very good at one|||If you want to learn how to take a beating right away then study Muay Thai. If you want to learn some fundamentals about fighting and you have patience to learn a great deal prior to stepping in a ring to fight an opponent, then take karate. Full contact karate, like K-1 is no push over style against Muay Thai. If Muay Thai was the %26quot;ultimate striking style%26quot; then 110 lb Thai boxers would be able to beat 220 lb K-1 fighters, and that just doesn%26#039;t happen. |||Availability.

People that try to claim that one is better than the other, really have no clue what they are talking about. Your main concern here is the instructor(s). You will get much more from a great karate instructor, than you will from some average Muay Thai instructor. The same is true for the reverse. Find out what schools are reasonably available to you. Go to those schools and see the caliber of students and instructor(s) they offer.|||Muay Thai is a sport primarily, not a martial art. It is far from complete in a streetfighting perspective.

Karate is a self defense system. As such, it will give you a more well rounded street defense system.

So the answer is, if you%26#039;re primary interest is combat sport, take Muay Thai, otherwise take Karate.|||No!

As if all you desire is to become a great fighter then either will do ,a Karateka can kick as fast and hard as a muay Thai person if he so desires it,however I%26#039;m not so sure about contact using the shin,but ultimately its down to the individual using as example, Mas Oyama, Dominic Valera would both be more than a force for any muay thai guys whether they admit it or not.

Best wishes :)***|||yes because you like it better.

it is just as good as muay thai.

what is muay thai (at least as it%26#039;s taught in the west)...a few kicks, a few knees, a few elbows, neck wrestling and some punches...taught in a very live manner.

karate can be so much more than that....IF you can find a good legit instructor and train in a live manner.

lyoto machida, andy hug for a few examples.|||if you like to wear pyjamas learn karate if you want to fight learn muay thai, seriously no martial art is better than the other depends on your instructor and ultimately you. There is no rock, scissor, paper in martial arts, it is an art. try both see what you prefer.|||Muay Thai is pure fighting. If you want to be a fighter do Muay Thai, if you want to be a martial artist take Karate.|||No Muay Thai is much better.

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